Here we you going to look at the types of computer viruses:-
Resident viruses:-
this virus will stay on your computer in RAM memory, and will corrupt all files and programs on your system
Direct Action viruses
This type of virus replicates and infects files in your pc's directory or folder it is in.It carries our these operations when your computer is booted up
Overwrite Viruses
These types of computer viruses delete the information that is contained in those files it infects, basically making them can only get rid of it by deleting the file altogether.
Boot virus:-
A boot virus affects the part of a floppy or hard disk called the boot sector, a critical part of that disk, because information is store with a program that makes it possible to start the PC for the disk.But we do not see that many of these anymore because a portable discs are not all that popular anymore.
Directory Virus:-
These types of computer viruses change paths which show where the file is located.When the infected program is executed, you are running a virus without even knowing it
lijit search
viruses were mostly the product of individuals who just wanted to cause trouble, make a name for themselves by breaking things.they did it for "fun",for recognition among their peers.
while those folks are still out there i don't believe that they represent the majority of virus sources any longer. we're now seeing the "professional" virus writer emerge.
Here's how that works:
#He then sells the "services" of his network of zombies. Typically to spammers.
#The zombie network then starts sending out massive amounts of spam.
#The spammers make money because just enough people actually buy the stuff that spam is selling.
#The anti-virus companies eventually identify and block the virus that started all this.
#The virus writer writes a new virus, and the process starts all over again.
Infected Pen drives is a one of the sources of virus. When you open pen drive directly there have came more problem. so when you open pen drive be cure fully.many active viruses infect your windows system as soon as you double click in the pen drive icon in your computer.As virus always creates a autorun.inf file which is a system,hidden and a read only file in your pen drive.It point to the main virus file which is also located in the pen drive.When user double clicks in the pen drive files pointed by the autorun.inf got executed which copies which copies the virus files in your system.For safe your computer from virus use the following method:-
- When you entry pen drives you don't open directly without scan.
- If you haven't antivirus software first you install it.
- when you entry you scan your pen drives.
- After scan you open pen drives freely.
Then you buy your computer you take many rescue cause there are many type of viruses.
when the user opens a corrupted file.the virus program activates and performs its damaging action. sometimes this is immediately obvious,but at other times there is a delay while it takes full effect.Their effects range,but might link you to a pornographic website, install a pornographic picture as your screensaver,copy itself to all the people listed in your email address.
Different people have different idea for remove viruses from own computer like
- Use to antiviruses
- format c0mputer

- firstly you install any one antivirus
- search your infected file and folder
- click rite button in your mouse.
- then you see there many type of option but you choose only one option i.e scanning for viruses

some of the major parts of a PC include the motherboard,memory,CPU,hard drive and video card.there are other types of computers. For example, a "minicomputer" is a powerful computer that can support many users at once.A "mainframe"is a large, high-powered computer that can perform bilions of calculation from multiple cources at one time.Finally,a "supercomputer"is a machine that can proces bilions of instructions a secomd and is used to calculate extremely complex calculations. |